Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Here we go again!

As if once isn't bad enough, we have it again! Yep, Strep! Don't let the exclamation point give you the impression that I'm at all excited about this diagnosis. Emma started on Sunday night. The fever, the weepiness, the fatigue. Then, the giveaway. The sore throat and headache. I knew it. We just went through this last month! So, off to the doctor again. And it's strep, again. I know Maggie is gonna get it, too. They're sisters, they share everything. Except toys. Hope everyone else is doing okay!

1 comment:

Min said...

Glad to know that my kids aren't the only ones who have been sick ALL winter long. We haven't had strep yet though... knock on wood, just lots of other things.