Thursday, November 15, 2007

Okay, people. I guess it's that time of year again. Since Spencer just got thrown in last year, the rotation didn't work this year because Mike and Min ended up giving to themselves. So I just kind of readjusted it. Hopefully everyone agrees? If theres an issue, feel free to comment!

Will any of you prodigals be here this Christmas? I know we will, sniff sniff, for one last Christmas.

Mike and Mindy - Jared and Kristen
Sean and Keli - Bryan and Kirsten
Jared and Kristen - Michelle and Ken
Bryan and Kirsten - Spencer and ?
Michelle and Ken - Mike and Mindy
Spencer and ? - Sean and Keli

I forget, do we give to all the grandkids, or just the ones in the family we have?


Min said...

I think the plan was a family gift. Less to worry about and keep track of.

Min said...

The list sounds good to me! We'll be in TX for Christmas. Hope you have a great last Christmas in UT.

Michelle said...

The list sounds good to us. We will not be able to come out for Christmas either.

Maybe next year we can celebrate Christmas with you guys, Keli.

Keli said...

So we're just doing one gift for the whole family, or like a couple gift, then gifts for kids? Family gift sounds like fun, though.

Man, it's gonna be lonely without the (better) half of the family.

And, since you're all checking the Clayton blog, I'm officially chewing you out.

UPDATE YOUR BLOGS!!! Remember those cute kids you have? I don't!

Mike said...

Michelle... we forgot to mail yours!!! We've had it for over a month, but forgot to send it.

We'll send it ASAP.