Friday, September 09, 2005

What's this C-Section talk?

I didn't know you were having a C-Section? Why? I thought the other A's came out just fine the "normal" way? What's up?


Mike said...

I hope its us that you are talking about...

Yes... Alex was an emergency C-Section (embellical chord around the next, stress, reduced blow flow to the baby, muconium, all that fun stuff).

Our doc does not recommend VBACs so we get to schedule this one... and we are looking at Thursday, March 9th, 2006.

Min said...


I talked to you when I was in the recovery room, I remember it... were you the one on drugs? ;)

The doctor said that we would scedule it when it gets closer, but it would be a week to ten days before my due date. We'll let you know once it is sceduled.